The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @3rz_de ever

September 11th, 2022

I found no other way of entering my phone number than writing “plus four nine, seven six one, five […]”

There are……

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to 3rz_de

… Asking for a phone number, and rejecting valid input in the form "+49-123-55447766" as “this is credit card infor……

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to 3rz_de

Web (shop software) developers … when you require a field, and check/sanitize the input, please make sure that your……

via Twitterrific for Mac

SMTWde Kategorie "Problem nach dem ich nicht gefragt habe":
Ich brauch für DDR1 bis 5 DIMM und SODIMM exakte Abmessungen,……

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:16 AM, Sep 11th, 2022 via Twitterrific for Mac)