The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @3rz_de ever

December 2020

Placebox Am morgigen Silvestertag besteht zum letzten Mal die Möglichkeit, ein R-Gespräch zu einem deutschen Festnetzanschluss zu führen.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:34 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

FlorianHeigl1 I found that esp-link (esp8266 wifi serial bridge with web interface for speed/pinout/monitor) is not very alive as……

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:41 PM, Dec 27th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

nogfradelt Brauche für den Jahresausklangs-Event dringend „umgekehrte“ PS/2-USB-Adapter, d.h. USB-Tastatur/Maus an PS/2-C……

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 12:33 AM, Dec 21st, 2020 via Tweetbot for Mac)

NanoRaptor This is more tedious than I expected.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:20 PM, Dec 18th, 2020 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Warum weiß niemand wie Paketdienste arbeiten, und dass man Laptops nicht in einem Pizzakarton und einer einzigen La……

via YoruFukurou

@wrf42… -- dort kurz in readme.txt schauen: “These special versions allow EmuTOS to be loade……

via YoruFukurou in reply to wrf42

@wrf42 Das schöne an EmuTOS: du kannst es testweise einfach von Platte laden, als "Soft"-Variante, bevor du es brennst oder flashst.

via YoruFukurou in reply to wrf42

@wrf42 Jop, kontaktiere mich für Details - wobei ich ja eher zu EmuTOS 1.0 greifen würde, moderner, fixer, fehlerärmer.

via YoruFukurou in reply to wrf42

@astr0baby No idea? I had my system transferred by the Migration, and it worked afterwards on Big Sur @ M1

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to astr0baby

@astr0baby I migrated my Catalina installation from MacBook 2015 i7 to Big Sur M1, Tunnelblick keeps going/working.……

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to astr0baby

Hey @tapbots, I love the feature in Tweetbot/iOS that I can press long on “retweet” and then select the account wit……

via Tweetbot for Mac

@Sosowski @Foone from : “Wondering about using EtherDFS on a no-NIC computer, using its LPT……

via YoruFukurou in reply to Sosowski

@Sosowski @Foone Why not specifically? EtherDFS was built for 8086/8088 machines, and runs e.g. on a Toshiba T1100 (8086, 256 KB RAM).

via YoruFukurou in reply to Sosowski

om RIP Norm Abramson, one of the key people behind ALOHAnet, the basis of all wireless communications today—including……

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:06 AM, Dec 7th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

astr0baby If anybody wants to experience the early 80's UNIX era - I have prepared a semi-automated script to configure a ful……

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:34 AM, Dec 7th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

dosnostalgic The battle is over

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:07 AM, Dec 7th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

@Foone "SIPP" … indeed a strange breed. Perhaps the sockets for these were cheaper than for SIMMs.

via YoruFukurou in reply to Foone

computermuseum in 1981 @BBC Tomorrow's World experimented with sending a computer program over the airwaves ...……

via Centre for Computing History (retweeted on 9:46 PM, Dec 6th, 2020 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Sosowski @Foone The perfect machine to utilize EtherDFS

(I have the same box running, cute little machine)

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to Sosowski

scy Ein wirklich sehenswertes vierzig Jahre altes Löt-„Tutorial“. Und zwar nicht nur wegen dem Vintage-Charme, sondern……

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:49 PM, Dec 6th, 2020 via YoruFukurou)

That escalated quickly. Kennt jemand USB-Hubs mit mind. 18 Ports?

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to 3rz_de

@Foone … and the Intel 8088 had only internally 16 bits, the external bus was only 8 bits, like with the Apple IIe,……

via YoruFukurou in reply to Foone

: Wo kann ich „schräge“ Kabel/Adapter heute noch (innerhalb der EU) kaufen? Bspw. Narrow SCSI 3reihig……

via YoruFukurou