The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @3rz_de ever

December 2017

Alte und neue Computer und die Latenz, bis Benutzerinteraktionen sichtbar sind. Es gewinnt: ein Apple IIe von 1983.

via YoruFukurou

armadsen Looks like there’s a good chance that the Lisa OS source code will be released by the Computer History Museum soon.…

via Twitterrific (retweeted on 10:20 PM, Dec 24th, 2017 via YoruFukurou)

Atari ST mit 640x200 in 16 Farben? In GEM? Oder 1280x400 Pixel monochrom? 200% Speed?…

via YoruFukurou

Foone small brain: arrow keys
big brain: WASD
cosmic brain: hjkl

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:31 PM, Dec 12th, 2017 via YoruFukurou)

kenshirriff I made a Christmas card on an IBM 1401 mainframe from the 1960s by writing an assembly program on punch cards.……

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:54 PM, Dec 10th, 2017 via YoruFukurou)