@leyrer Cloudflare? Lambdas?
@AkBKukU @leyrer The CD-ROM drive sneaked in via a time tunnel? :) Nice setup! Throw in some folded paper!

DosFox1 So the 68008 coprocessor card is almost complete! Just need the CPU socket to show up and insert the ICs pic.twitter.com/m51xhuLrB0
0xCats I designed a new SIMM module PCB. Project SIMMBA!
A 128MB EDO/FPM compatible module to max out old 72 pin SIMM retr… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
geerlingguy Blog posts are the duct tape that holds together modern infrastructure.
What’s "[…] plus an optional 1.9 bytes of fixed-head
per-track storage for fast access“? Sorry, am too young for th… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@FlorianHeigl1 Naaaaiiiiin
irwin I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Gopher, Netscape with frames, the first Browser Wars. Searching for p… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
mariowitte Verkehrte Welt: dank Halbleitermangel produziert Canon jetzt offenbar Tonerkartuschen ohne "Kopierschutz" und versc… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

neilsardesai Man I knew this would happen twitter.com/neilsardesai/s… pic.twitter.com/1krkOzHJfE
mausmoto Tech preview: Sierra-style AGI graphics but in 3D, voxels w/ custom renderer. Hoping to build something with this e… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…