@48kRAM Desoldering the dead caps, cleaning the mainboard with isopropyl alcohol, soldering new caps, worked 90% of the time.
@48kRAM Can’t confirm that one. I saw successful repairs of 9 out of 10 capacitor-dead SE/30s. But only 1-2 out of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
48kRAM Attention classic Mac collectors:
#mac #mac68k #powermac #retrocomputing twitter.com/DosFox1/status…
chaosupdates BTX wieder erlebbar machen: Wer noch auf dem Dachboden alte Datenträger mit BTX-Inhalten hat, bitte melden heise.de/newsticker/mel… #36c3
eventphone Sei wie @naehrdine - auch ohne Internet erreichbar. Vergiss auf keinen Fall dein #DECT Telefon! Jetzt Nebenstelle f… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Was nicht so nett den anderen gegenüber ist: wenn jeder sein eigenes WLAN aufmacht und damit das WLAN für alle stört. #36c3
Can I haz MAX232 RS232 level shifter anywhere on congress? Need to fix a WifiModem. Where could I get one? #36c3

awsm9000 I finally got my hands on the Mega65, which is an amazing machine. #36c3 pic.twitter.com/ArMHBBsLG9
@hoersamu Get in touch whenever it’s comfortable for you.
Follower power: is there a soldering hero* at #36c3 that could help me fixing this ripped Mini USB power connector?… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…


nogfradelt #mariodoesitall Mario everywhere! I can‘t avoid him! ALL YOUR BASE BELONG TO MARIO #36c3 pic.twitter.com/6e63SCrokf
@DonjonRelic Thanks!
@awsm9000 Looking nice! Could you share an URL, also for the keyboard?
kiwapebretech Has anyone ever traveled with a compact Mac on an airplane? I was thinking just taking mine home like that.

favorieth „Und für Sie den bayerischen Cappuccino!“ Tolltolltolles @DB_Bahn-Personal im #ICE598 @BahnAnsagen pic.twitter.com/5Cp6u7cTQ0

Wer hat das denn zum #36c3 bestellt und warum fährt’s noch nicht? @c3noc #ice598 pic.twitter.com/MA1T1eenR0
alt_kia hard drives are basically radios (with ~1GHz of baseband bandwidth) that talk only to themselves; there's everythin… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
c3sus Bitte helft während des #36c3 Müll zu vermeiden und bringt mit:
- wiederverwendbaren Kaffeebecher
- Campingbesteck… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@wintamute @Enno_Insinuator Could you please reach out to me via DM?
@wintamute @Enno_Insinuator YAY \o/ Exactly such an item I’m looking for. Would you be able to lend it to me during… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Anyone having an AUI Transceiver for 10BASE-T spare for the #36c3? It would enable a Cayman Gatorbox to be online c… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@Foone Some nerds bought the old (black, round) Mac Pro, to attach 6x Thunderbolt 2 clients (iMacs, Mac minis), to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@bitsavers "File not found" for the Whirlwind 10 bit A/D
VintageAppleMac Archived: The Complete Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy HyperCard Expanded Book vintageapplemac.com/archived-the-c… #Apple… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@Foone This Bildschirmtext decoder for the C64 has its own graphics chip, as the res&colours of BTX exceed the C64’… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@Foone Mupid: Yes, lots of colour, and also pixels, but from the desc you posted, the pixels are not accessible ind… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@cr1901 nwbackup over PARCP USB would be cool! github.com/joysfera/parcp
ethflop - MS-DOS TSR, das Images auf Linux per Ethernet einem Hintergrund-Daemon unter DOS als Floppy-Laufwerk A: v… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
MIT_CSAIL Born more than 200 years ago today: Ada Lovelace, the woman often credited with creating "the world's first program… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Panasonic PD-1 aka LF-1004H - 650 MB Phase-Change-Cartridge-Wechselmedien, wiederbeschreibbar. Und 4× CD-ROM. 5,25", SCSI.
Fujitsu FACOM128B Relais-Computer: youtube.com/watch?v=_j544E…

tsutsuii Happy Birthday #Dreamcast !
NetBSD 9.0 still supports you. pic.twitter.com/ImagG8t6aa