iainthomson Written on the World Wide Web, probably using an Arm-powered smartphone... twitter.com/Duncan_Idaho_f…

w1db3rg Remember the first rule of memory safety is to have fun! pic.twitter.com/Aan3IW8Trl
leyrer 1960s: Let's build a de-centralized network without a single point of failure.
20xx: Let's centralize everything o… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
marcoSpazianiB After 25+ years, RFC 1925 still summarises accurately the "The Twelve Networking Truths", especially #3 and #4

xkcd Red Line Through HTTPS xkcd.com/2634 pic.twitter.com/7VhiMUPszX
@TechConnectify Fresh veggies - just double the shopping amount again, cook it in a fun session with music, and fre… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
jarz_0 Excited to share my first foray into music-making hardware! The Abacuysnth is designed to be easy and fun to play r… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
McReynoldsJoe One trick I learned from Tokyo that helps for understanding any city: when you come across a charming small biz in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

newsjunky_neu Mal etwas "Spaß mit Hardware" pic.twitter.com/3V82FlVcxP
@TechConnectify I learned from a guy on the Internet that you just haven’t waited long enough for the blink signals… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@photonstorm Why is a cute little Space Shuttle inappropriate?
@timohetzel @leyrer Ah, und … “Conception of Normal” …
@timohetzel @leyrer Die meisten fingen mit Seagate ST147N oder gar erst Quantum LPS an, aber nach der IBM DPES31080… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@aeble @Linuzifer Können wir was dafür dass keiner mehr IRC, Gopher & UUCP nutzt? Per 10BASE-T1L auf Zweidraht 1km weit transportierbar :-)
KateLibc Unless I can find evidence to otherwise (cannot rule this out), I am the first person ever to compile Doom to run o… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
cdespinosa FYI a 1024 x 1024 x 32 bit icon image is sixteen times larger than the entire memory space of the original Mac.
Fo… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
ianbfarquhar @HaloedPayload @jhamby I told the slack guys they were just Usenet with a slightly better interface. They didn’t li… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
viti95 FastDoom dual screen dev build works fine on real hardware. Hercules for the automap, and the VGA for the gameplay.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@NoelsRetroLab This one also works on the Plus, minus the obviously missing cursor keys.
@NoelsRetroLab Yes, original Macintosh or Macintosh 512k(e). The Plus keyboard was the first one to have cursor keys.

xkeepah thanks i hate it pic.twitter.com/mWUXWjc8K6
andy_kelley Who called it "malloc()" and not "see_you_later_allocator()" ?
residualmedia New York passed Right to Repair nysenate.gov/legislation/bi…

c_videogames Wusstet ihr, dass Melee Island eigentlich Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Bayern ist?
#monkeyIsland pic.twitter.com/5sfQCfOppc
thetechnoshed New firmware release! The #DSTB1 firmware has undergone some substantial changes aimed at improving compatibility a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…