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DCA MacIRMA Drivers

Digital Communications Associates
These disks are a set of drivers for a Mac to IBM Mainframe network adapter card running 3270 SNA sessions.

The following are dated 1994:

irma_ws_application.img.sit.hqx  (558 k)
irma_ws_extensions.img.sit.hqx  (559 k)
irma_ws_fonts.img.sit.hqx  (440 k)
irma_ws_installer.img.sit.hqx  (364 k)

macirmatrac_installer.i.sit.hqx  (513 k)
macirma_utilities.img.sit.hqx  (106 k)

tcp_ip_connection.img.sit.hqx  (158 k)

The ones below are older, dated 1991:  (104 k)  (219 k)
macirma_ws_2.0.1.img.sit.hqx  (437 k)

Please use the MDM Yahoo Group for discussion, uploads, requests. ©1998-2003 Bhavesh Patel